
Welcome to our site, we hope you enjoy it and we will usually be here for the chats to answer all your questions and we hope you stay for a while because it took a while to make this awesome site!  ENJOY!

~Ally and Westerfeet (Elyse)
A.K.A The creators of this awesome website!

Check out Tenth Avenue North's new song: Healing Begins

Where'd We Get It??

We were inspired to make this site from Websterfeet, one of our very own Club Penguins, though Websterfeet doesn't wander around in Club Penguin anymore, her name is used in one of our email addresses, one of our WikiAnswers accounts, one of our Wikipedia accounts, our Weebly account, our Wix account, and more, and we think Websterfeet would be proud her name continues on. I know our first page is really corny, but can you ignore that? LOL! d: Believe me the rest of  the site is good. For information on this site go on the 'Contests' page and contact us, a safe way we can get back to you.  Anyway we're pretty confident that you can trust us and we're hoping to get some of our videos we're making on YouTube, which, with no doubt will be posted on our home page. Pretty soon we are hoping to get our own domain, but so far it's not going so well.  With going to our own domain more people will access our site, our goal is to have one hundred viewers in the next week.  Please don't cheat by going on our site like a million  times or something though, because we're coolio people is what it comes down to.  Please help us meet our goal and ask your friends! We really need your help on this one.  :D. THANKS!  Okay, for info on the goal of 100, go on 'That's Awesome!'.

~Websterfeet (Elyse)